Carolina Jessamine - Gelsemium sempervirens 'Margarita'

Carolina Jessamine - Gelsemium sempervirens 'Margarita'

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April 15: Online Ordering Opens for Members Only
April 16: Online Ordering Opens for All

The cheery yellow flowers of Carolina Jessamine are a sure sign of spring. This glossy evergreen vine is a perfect vine for any garden, but works especially well in small spaces due to its non-aggressive nature. Though not quite as delicate as clematis, it will lightly twine its way around a trellis, pergola, or other support system. It is one of our earliest flowering native vines, and its tubular, canary yellow blooms have an unmistakably sweet fragrance that are inviting to gardeners and bees alike. 'Margarita' is known as one of the most cold-hardy selections available so this southerly vine can bring some Carolina sunshine to our mid-Atlantic gardens!

Conditions: Full sun; moist to average soil
Size: 8' - 12' tall
Zone: 6 - 9
Wildlife Value: Flowers attract bumblebees and other bees


Photo: Dave Korbonits